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NEW Thinking
Value Creation
Business Principles

Ethical Business Principles

ANT aims to become a “Leading Global Company” that contributes to mankind by creating products and services with human-oriented technology. To achieve this, ANT pledges to establish and practice thinking and behaviors based on ethical business management and human-oriented beliefs.

  1. Practice human-oriented business management.
  2. Observe regulations and moral codes to establish and maintain a sound organization culture.
  3. Set priorities for the environment and safety, and fulfill social responsibilities as a leading global company.

Ethical Business Principle Agenda I

Practice human-oriented business management.

  1. Respect the basic rights of all people and prohibit discrimination among persons concerned including customers, employees, etc.
  2. Set a priority on customer satisfaction in business activities and provide products and services that satisfy customer demands and expectations in a timely manner.
  3. Think from the customer’s perspective, listen to customer demands, and respect and protect the honor and information of customers.
  4. Provide equal opportunities to all employees and reward them according to their capabilities and performances.
  5. Promote self-development and improvement, and establish a work environment that allows voluntary and creative work.

Ethical Business Principle Agenda Ⅱ

Observe regulations and moral codes to establish and maintain a sound organization culture.

  1. Compete in the market in compliance with regulations and business ethics, and prohibit generating unjust profit through illegal activities.
  2. Do not offer or receive bribes, and do not provide illegal donations of money and valuables.
  3. Record and maintain objective documents of business activities to ensure financial transparency, and disclose business information mandated by regulations such as financial fluctuation, etc.
  4. All workers must differentiate between private and public matters, must not pursue personal gain, and prohibit illegal acts of misappropriation and utilization of company assets.
  5. Prohibit sexual harassment and violence against coworkers, avoid forming factions within the company that generate disharmony, and develop a sound labor-management relationship through mutual trust and communication pursuing coexistence and mutual benefits.

Ethical Business Principle Agenda Ⅲ

Set priorities for the environment and safety, and fulfill social responsibilities as a leading global company

  1. Comply with various environment protection-related regulations and observe internal regulations to ensure the effective utilization of resources.
  2. Comply with various safety-related regulations and establish a sound work environment to prevent safety accidents.
  3. Faithfully perform the basic responsibilities and duties of a company, and endeavor in improving the trust of the company.
  4. Provide support and pursue mutual advancement of partner companies based on mutual trust.
  5. Faithfully perform duties of stable job creation and tax payment, and pursue development of the local community by implementing public beneficiary services.